
As an employer, your goal is to enable your employees to embrace the benefits of working remotely.

You as an employer determines the budget

Employers can benefit their employees using the 'Werkkostenregeling' and assigning a tax-free budget to each employee.

The employees can select services and products that improve hybrid working

The budget can be used by the employees at their own discretion, which allows them to make choices that can make working from home more comfortable and effective.

Get a clear overview of your employees' choices and spending

Acquire valuable insights into your employees' choices and spending patterns through a dashboard, enabling you to optimize categories and become a more attractieve employer.

Improving the work-life balance of your employees without addtional administrative burden

Leave the administrative tasks to us. We handle the paper work, so you can focus on what matter most.

Registering successfully grants employees access to a wide range of benefits, which in turn creates satisfied employees and a great win-win for both the employee and employer!

Working from home promotes productivity
77% of remote workers claim a productivity boost when working from home.
Working from home has become a permanent part of business strategy
78% of 669 CEOs regard remote collaboration as a long-term strategy. The number of companies offering home working facilities has now risen to 96%.
Employees regard working from home as a permanent improvement.
83% of employees consider a hybrid work model as optimal in the future.

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Elevate your at-home experience with Zin In Thuiswerken

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